July 28, 2014

Stars & Stripes

  After reading the title you can probably guess this is a bit of a late post! But I have an excuse! I took most of my pictures on a film camera and I was waiting for them to develop so thus, it's all good. The Fourth of July was another one of those days where you won't forget it even if you're totally gone.

     After waking up in a daze from lack of sleep the night before, my friend and I rode our bikes to Bobby's boat where I found Jack swimming in the water and these kids having gnarly house parties that seemed really fun. Oh and did I forget to mention my neighbor was partying hardcore since 8AM? Super loudly in fact. The boat attendees were Tiare, Jake, Nikki, Chris, Bob, TK (who's name, after years of hearing rumors, is confirmed to be on his birth certificate as just being TK, nothing else!), Jack, Cailynn, and yours truly. We were coasting through the bay where we brought out the Tiki cups while talking about college and visiting each other and the future which to me, is still a little scary to think about.
   After visiting the docks where Jack works, we set out for the ocean! TK, Cailynn, Chris, and I were at the front of the boat and were dying because we were going so fast and laughing so hard. It was literally insane. Eventually after the craziness, we finally anchored and witnessed the biggest ocean party: people packed onto boats, swimming with red cups, partying on the beach, all with their music blasting. We played King's Cup and Signs which were both soo much fun! We still talk about how great it was to just be with everyone, playing games, and of course, being on a boat.

     I took a lot of polaroids and film pictures (as you can see) as we were just having a good time listening to music and being silly.
    Then we cast off once more and it was Cailynn, Jake, and I at the front telling Bobby to turn down and holding on for dear life. Cailynn slid off the front of the cushion and when we finally got back into the harbor we realized that the boat was covered in blood! Thank God it was only Cailynn's knee. We cruised back through the harbor like party veterans with battle wounds and all and after getting the boat parked we were off! Dodging tourists that were way past gone, struggling to ride bikes, and trying for dear life to stay together (we lost Jake but somehow he made it there first? we're still confused about that) we finally made it to Nikki's house! We chilled out for awhile and ate a bunch (chips and salsa never tasted so good) and started the games again!

     Jack and I made it to Nikki's room where we just laid on the floor and giggled about random stuff and it was just a really nice moment to share! Especially on such a hectic day with little alone time.
The day continued with more people showing up and even more epic games. Once it got dark, everyone kind of hit rock bottom. Super tired and gamed-out. I mean I found them all upstairs laying all around the living room, some belly up and some face down (ouch) and of course Oscar playing the ukulele.

     The only thing that roused the crowd was Chipotle. Who doesn't love a casual burrito bowl at 11 at night? However, we forgot it was 11 at night so we mourned the loss of Chipotle when we saw the workers barricading the door. But alas we rode "WILD IN THE STREETS" as Bobby kept yelling. We figured we'd go to Jake's friend's party and they did not disappoint food wise with cookies and cupcakes! BUT at the party it was all like 25+ years old and I never felt so out of place and awkward.
     Eventually Me, Jack, Austin, Bob, Chris, and Maddie went to Del Taco to feed our Mexican food craving and escape the awkwardness. Let me tell you Del was literally out of control. People were chanting "CHUG" and singing the national anthem followed by a USA chant. I mean what else do you expect at Del Taco at 2AM? We all rode home safely and all I can say is that it was a very memorable and fun time!

Happy America!

July 15, 2014

Summer vs College

     Before dinner one night my boyfriend and I went to one of my favorite places ever! You can literally see so much and hear the world around you and gosh I just love it! I'm really starting to love this place justtt when I'm going to leave for college. I keep finding new epic places or even going to the stupid diner I always eat at and it all makes me die a little inside when I know I'm going further up the coast. 

     Thinking about all this mess is like a constant loop-de-loop on a roller coaster where my thought process goes from YES LET'S GO OMG to :,( and especially after going to orientation I'm kind of at the place where I'm on the roller coaster and we're about to loop and I know it's coming but I almost don't want it to happen. You feel? Or am I completely insane? Who really even knows. 
Bright side of summer: do whatever I want (nothing too insane or against the law), be with my bestest friends, appreciate my home and family, live it up.
Bright side of college: start my new life! meet new homies and potential baes (I already have my eye on one whoa), be in a new place, find who I really am and want to be!

Both insanely good. Both the best.

I'm sure my whatever feelings will pass because I know everyone will have a great time at school and I'll always see my friends and family but it'll never be the same I feel. 
But I have a feeling that's the best part of the deal.

Song of the Day is Revival by Deerhunter

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