These photos are from a couple of nights ago when my friend, Jane, and I decided to experiment with the Christmas lights near my Gram's house. The upper photo is me and the second photo is Jane! I layered the photos with funky exposure shots I took from the lights on the water. They aren't the bee's knees but I think they're pretty cool.
I'm struggling to get a portfolio together to kind of start my path on photography because I'm seriously starting to consider following my dream! I'm super conflicted with trying though, because I have this obsession with being successful/not failing.
Jane and I are going to take some more experimental pictures this week though so look for more posts coming up! :)
If any of you have and advice about photography please contact me!
xo, Jenna
Go for it! Love the photos. There's no harm putting together a portfolio and submitting it to some e-zines.